‘YAY i can’t wait till riverside camp’ I said to myself as I walked to put my stuff in the van. We listened to Mr Burt talk about who our leaders were and how we have to respect them. Then it was time to hop on the buses and go to Willow Park.
When we got there I was hipped up about what our bedrooms were going to look like. I thought to myself I think our bedroom is the best because we got all the sunlight. I slept on the corner of the door. If you went to bed at the right time you would of got 100 dollars (fake money) and if you woke up at the right time you would of got another 100 dollars. Every night and day our cabin got there 200 dollars. Our adult team leader was proud of us.
When we got there I was hipped up about what our bedrooms were going to look like. I thought to myself I think our bedroom is the best because we got all the sunlight. I slept on the corner of the door. If you went to bed at the right time you would of got 100 dollars (fake money) and if you woke up at the right time you would of got another 100 dollars. Every night and day our cabin got there 200 dollars. Our adult team leader was proud of us.
On the second week I was really glad to see my mum and dad. On Wednesday my dad, sister and I went to the movies to watch smurfs. It was really packed there and hardly any excited movies to watch. When we went into the movies we saw Stephanie and Turuhira there.
I had really fun there for the first time. If you went there I bet you would have a great time too! Can’t wait till next year!